Learn About Your Drinking Water
Out Now: Learn About Your Drinking Water. The Town of Fort Jones is continuously testing your drinking water for contaminants. This testing is reported in our annual Consumer Confidence Report. To read the full report and to learn more about the steps we took to provide you with safe drinking water in 2023, read our Consumer Confidence Report https://cdn.townweb.com/fortjonesca.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Water_Consumer_Combined_Report_2023.pdf
Emergency Drought Contingency Plan
Last July, the City Council took proactive steps to safeguard our water supply by adopting the Emergency Drought Plan. The plan outlines what actions will be taken at three levels of drought: yellow, orange, and red. The color of the sticker on your monthly water bill will keep you up to date on the Town’s drought level. To read the full Emergency Drought Plan, click here.
Water / Sewer Rate Schedule
In the past, the Town of Fort Jones has been able to keep sewer service rates low by subsidizing water and wastewater operations. However, the California State Waterboard has declared that community water and wastewater systems must fund their own operations without help from sales or property taxes. The City Council hosted a public hearing in compliance with Proposition 218 on September 30, 2021, giving the public the opportunity to object to proposed rate increases. The Council ultimately approved a new sewer service fee schedule that will keep the Fort Jones Water and Wastewater Department in compliance with state regulation. The fee schedule outlined in Resolution 1093 will allow the wastewater system to become self-funded and self-sustaining by raising sewer service fees incrementally over the course of five years. The first of these rate adjustments was implemented in November of 2021. The second adjustment will be implemented this July of 2022.
These modern rates reflect the modern treatment supplied by the Fort Jones Water and Wastewater Department.
Read the Sewer Rate Schedule Chart
Monthly Water Service Charges:
Base Rate (up to 1,500 cu ft.): $35.00
$0.75 every 100-cu ft. for next 1000 cubic feet
$1.50 every 100-cu ft. over 2,500 cubic feet
Cross Connection Control
The Town of Fort Jones is always looking for ways to protect your drinking water. That is why we are asking all Fort Jones residents to help us identify potential threats to our community's water quality by completing the Cross Connections Control Survey. This brief survey will allow the Town to update our catalogue of cross connections.
What Is A Cross Connection?
Cross Connections are actual and potential unprotected connections between a potable water system and any source or system containing unapproved water or a substance which is not safe. If non-potable water were to flow out of a home and back into the Town's water system via a cross connection, it could pose a safety risk to to other homes in your area. Thankfully, there are safety devices that can be installed at cross connections to eliminate backflow. The Town of Fort Jones is updating our catalogue of cross connections as part of our effort to ensure that your drinking water is protected from backflow. Please take a moment to complete THIS SURVEY for the protection of your neighbors and know that your neighbors are doing the same for you.
Bring your completed survey to City Hall between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday, drop it in our drop box, or mail it to
Town of Fort Jones
PO Box 40
Fort Jones, CA 96032
Coming Soon: New Treatment Facilities
YOUR water system is getting an upgrade! The Town of Fort Jones has secured a grant through the State of California for the planning of the construction a new wastewater treatment facility.
Get Help Paying Your Water Bill
Catching up on your water bill can be a daunting task. However, there are programs available that can help.
Apply for aid through the CDBG-CV (Community Development Block Grant-Covid) Subsistence Program. The program is providing mortgage, rent, and utility assistance to eligible households. Click here for more information and to view the application.
Sign up to be notified when the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) launches this June. If you are in arrears on your water payments, LIHWAP will issue a one-time payment on your behalf. Apply through Great Northern Services.
Sign Up For A Payment Plan
The Town of Fort Jones offers payment plans to customers in arrears. Signing up for a 12-month payment plan can make water payments more manageable and avert discontinuation of service (24-month plans are available upon request). To arrange a payment plan, come in to City Hall between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays, or download a copy of the Payment Plan Agreement linked below, and mail to:
Town of Fort Jones
PO Box 40
Fort Jones, CA 96032
Click here to view the Payment Plan Agreement.
Discontinuation Policy
If you are concerned about the possibility of a water shutoff, read our Residential Water and Sewer Service Discontinuation Policy. To learn about your rights as a water customer, read our Water Shutoff Protection Act Policy
Appealing A Bill
If you think your water bill is incorrect, you may appeal your bill. Contact the Town Clerk before the bill's due date and the Town Clerk will investigate. Learn more about the appeals process in the Water Shutoff Protection Act Policy, linked above.
Applying For An Extension
Our Discontinuation of Residential Water Services Policy states, "A customer can defer a payment until the 25th of the following month. Customer needs to sign and submit a statement saying when payment will be made." To apply for an extension of time to pay delinquent charges, call City Hall and request a Water Delinquency Extension Application.
Restoration Of Water Service
Once a customer's account is brought current, their water service may be restored for a reconnection fee of $50 during operational hours or up to $150 during non-operational hours. To learn more, see our Water Shutoff Protection Act Policy, linked above.
Tennant Rights
If you have received a disconnection notice and your landlord is the water customer on record for your dwelling, you have the right to avert disconnection by establishing a water account in your own name. This would not obligate you to take on the debts associated with your landlord's account. To learn more, read the Water Shutoff Protection Act Policy, linked above.