City Council meetings are held on the evening of the second Monday of each month. For more information about upcoming meetings, see our upcoming agenda here.
You have several options when it comes to making a complaint. You can call City Hall and make your complaint over the phone, or ask for a complaint form. If you would like to address your complaint directly to the City Council, join us for public comment at the beginning of each Council meeting, where a quorum of Council members will be present to hear your complaint.
If you would like to report a municipal code violation, contact our Code Enforcement Officer, Kelly York at (530)-468-3400
Yes, you can! Call City Hall at (530)-468-2281 to check availability. For use of the Community Hall, be prepared to pay a $100 refundable deposit plus a $150 fee for private events, or a $75 fee for a non-profit organization.
Yes! If you are planning on hosting a private party at a park, call City Hall at (530)-468-2281 to have the space reserved for a fee. This fee will ensure that the park is reserved for your group, and that the bathrooms are unlocked and clean. Otherwise, parks are first-come first-served.
If you didn't receive a water bill, it may mean that you are ahead on your water payments. The city does not send water bills to customers who do not owe money.
However, it is possible that your billing address is out of date. To update your billing preferences, call City Hall at (530)-468-2281.
Animal Control in Fort Jones is handled by Etna PD, and Fort Jones maintains kennels for lost dogs. If there is a dog loose around town, call non-emergency dispatch at (530)-841-2900 so the dog can be taken off the street and reunited with its owner.
Yes, you can! Go to billpay.ubmaxonline.com and enter municipal code FortJonesCA032 to create your account. Your online account will not be automatically created when you set up your water account with the Town.
Your online account will not be automatically created when you set up your water account with the Town. To set up your online account, use the municipal code FortJonesCA032. If you are still having trouble accessing your account, try going into your browser settings and disabling your pop-up blocker. Online payments sometimes take longer than expected to process.
City Hall is equipped to accept credit card payments for water bills only. When it comes to other types of transactions, we are not set up to take credit card payments. We do, however, accept cash, checks, and money orders.
The Town is not affiliated with the cemetery. For all inquiries regarding Fort Jones Cemetery, contact Jim Martin at (530)-643-2960.