Our Story
The Town of Fort Jones is located within the northern part of Scott Valley surrounded by the Klamath Mountains to the west and the Cascade Mountain range to the east.
Fort Jones was established in October 1852, when Captain Edward H. Fitzgerald and the 1st Dragoons began construction of a fort located near the current community of Fort Jones. The fort was established to protect settlers in far-northern California and southern Oregon from Rogue River Indian raids. The fort was operational until June 1858 when it was evacuated. By 1900 the fort was thoroughly dilapidated. Today only a historical marker is evidence that the fort ever existed. Initially mining and trapping were the major activities in the area. Agriculture and timber production followed, as the area became more accessible and mining activity declined. Today, the area has become an attractive place to reside, especially for retired families due to the small community environment and scenic views.