Fort jones Museum is now open!

The “Biggest Little Museum” is now open through October 1, 2021. The hours are Monday 11-3, and Tuesday through Friday from 10-4 as well as Saturday 11-3.

There is a new “mystery” quilt on display. A museum patron purchased the quilt blocks many, many years ago and had them put into a quilt. She is looking for information about who may have made the quilt blocks. Help solve the mystery and check out the quilt to see if you can help!

Also, the wedding dress of Grace Sharp has “come back home” to the Valley. This dress and veil were donated by Grace’s grandchildren, Paul and Sharon Carter. 

Donations for enjoying the museum are always appreciated!

If you would like to arrange a appointment to visit the Museum at another time, please call Curator Cecelia at 468-2444. 

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